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Writer's pictureJill York

Kentucky officials recognize "NP Week" with proclamations and salutes

FRANKFORT, November 8, 2021 -- KANPNM members join Governor Beshear as he signs the proclamation designating Nov. 7-13, 2021 as "NP Week" in Kentucky. The week celebrates and recognizes the countless contributions NPs have made over the past half century and will continue to make on behalf of the health and well-being of Kentuckians.

Congratulations and recognitions for the amazing work done by Kentucky Nurse Practitioners have been rolling in from Washington, DC, Frankfort, city halls and courthouses all across the Commonwealth.

Governor Andy Beshear met with a delegation of KANPNM members to formally sign and designate the beginning of "NP Week" in Kentucky. This access provided the group an valuable opportunity for discussion on NP issues and goals with the governor.

In the ramp up to the nationally designated week of celebrations, officials around the state were made aware "NP Week" would be occurring November 7-13, 2021, and since that time the Association's mailbox has held a steady stream of well wishes and support from Kentucky officials. Even more recognitions are expected as the month progresses and more fiscal courts meet for business.

On the Association's Facebook page, KANPNM members have tracked the growing list of counties whose Judge Executives and Fiscal Courts have passed proclamations to honor the highly skilled members of the profession.

For more than half a century, NPs have been working to reduce health disparities and ensure that high-quality, person-centered healthcare is readily accessible to people in communities nationwide. During the COVID-19 pandemic here in Kentucky, NPs have been on the front lines, leading efforts to test, diagnose and treat patients and to prevent the spread of the virus. They provide care to those who need it most — in their homes; in primary, acute, specialty and long-term care settings; and via telehealth — meeting patients where the need is greatest.

KANPNM is thankful to the many officials who chose to salute our members and all 9,600 plus licensed APRNs in Kentucky. Each Judge Executive received a letter informing them of national "NP Week," told them how many NPs lived in their county and invited them to participate in the celebration by recognizing it in an official way.

Louisville's Mayor Greg Fischer issued a special salute by designating Friday, November 12 as "Nurse Practitioner Day" in Louisville.

Here are just a few of the many proclamations issued by counties all over the state to honor the important work of Nurse Practitioners.

Additionally, we can report that each member of Kentucky's Federal delegation has sent letters saluting the skill, work and dedication of our state's NPs.

US Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, US Representatives Jamie Comer, Brett Guthrie, John Yarmuth, Thomas Massie, Hal Rogers and Andy Barr have each recognized the important contributions Nurse Practitioners bring to health care in Kentucky.

Congressman Andy Barr, KY 6, included this sentiment in his letter, saying, "It has not gone unseen that you all have worked to ensure that high-quality, person-centered healthcare is readily accessible to people in communities across Kentucky.

Specifically, during the COVID-19 pandemic you all have led the way through your efforts to test, diagnose, and treat patients and help prevent the spread of the virus. Thank you for meeting patients where their need is greatest and providing quality care to those who need it most. "

Congratulations to all for the many ways you share your skills, compassion and leadership each and every day! Happy NP Week 2021!

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