How to set up Appointments with legislators
Legislative Switchboard number 1-502-564-8100
COVID-19 protocols have been lifted place at the Capitol Annex. The public may now attend legislative meetings and meet with legislators in person.
Not sure who your State Senator or State Representative are since redistricting took place? Use this tool to see who represents you!
Ways to make contact with your legislator:
Phone call to home or business of legislator
Phone call or text to legislator's cell phone
Phone call to legislative office
Set up a conference call or Zoom with legislator
Email to legislator's office
Handwritten note to legislator at home or to legislative office
Find a reason to cross paths and have a conversation.
Visit their place of work​
Invite them to visit YOUR place of work for a tour
Set up a visit with your legislator
Contact your legislator’s office by calling the main office number.
Switchboard (ask for legislator): 1-502-564-8100 . You will probably speak with a legislative aid who may set up an appointment over the phone or ask you to send your request in writing.
If you send a letter, be sure to include the dates and times you are available, the issues you want to discuss, and the names of others joining you on the visit. If your appointment is arranged over the phone, send a letter confirming the appointment date, time, location, the issues you want to discuss, and any other people who will be coming with you.
Legislators’ offices handle various sizes of group meetings. Often it is easier to schedule an appointment if you go as part of a larger group. As a constituent, you can meet on your own or with a group.
​If your legislator is not available to meet at a time that is convenient to you, consider meeting with an aide or another staff member.
​Tips on meeting with your legislator:
Be prepared. Bring any relevant materials or resources with you. If you visit in a group, have one person take the lead. He/She can introduce the group, make a brief statement about why you are there, and then call on various people in the group to talk about their particular concerns.
Legislative visits generally run twenty minutes in length.
If you don’t know the answer to a question, explain that you do not have the answer but would be happy to do some research and send the information after the meeting in a timely manner.
Write a thank you letter to the legislator and staff with whom you met after the meeting. Reiterate your main position on the issues and include any additional information that might have been requested at the meeting. If the legislator was not present, you should still send him/her a copy of the thank you letter you send to the aide.
How do I contact my state legislators?
To leave messages for legislators call: 1-800-372-7181
TTY is available at 1-800-896-0305
Switchboard (ask for legislator): 1-502-564-8100
To fax any legislator: 1-502-564-6543
Email and office contact information
Email and office contact information for each legislator can be found on their individual bio pages.