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HB 354 to end CAPA-CS gains supporters

FRANKFORT, January 2022 -- The supporters of APRNs, and the patients they care for, in both the Kentucky House and Senate are anxious to work together to see the requirements for the CAPA-CS removed so that access to quality health care can expand in the state.


Representative Russell Webber and Senate Majority Caucus Chair Julie Raque Adams 

KANPNM is profoundly grateful for the collaborative leadership of our primary bill sponsors and legislative champions of the 2022 Legislative Session.  This bill and its aims are well known by many legislators and viewed as important to the people of their districts. Many legislators have expressed dismay at recent tactics employed by opponents of the legislation to discredit NPs and look forward to their opportunity to cast votes in favor of the legislation and speak to its importance and value in their home communities.


Thank you to the growing list of supporters of HB 354!

Rep. R. Webber -- Primary Sponsor

Rep. P. Minter -- Primary Co-Sponsor

Rep. Bojanowski <-- NEW CO-SPONSOR

Rep. K. Bratcher

Rep. M. Cantrell

Rep. J. Donohue

Rep. P. Flannery

Rep. K. Flood

Rep. A. Gentry

Rep. D. Graham

Rep. D. Hale

Rep. M. Hart

Rep. R. Huff

Rep. J. Jenkins

Rep. N. Kirk-McCormick

Rep. D. Lewis

Rep. S. Lewis

Rep. J. Nemes

Rep. R. Palumbo

Rep. M. Pollock <-- NEW CO-SPONSOR

Rep. P. Pratt

Rep. R. Roberts

Rep. C. Stevenson

Rep. P. Stevenson

Rep. W. Thomas

Rep. J. Tipton

Rep. K. Upchurch

Rep. S. Westrom

Rep. B. Wheatley

Rep. R. White

Rep. L. Willner



Thank you to the sponsors of HB 286!

Frankfort -- 2020. Kentucky Representatives who want to increase access to quality health care in the Commonwealth are backing HB 286! If you don't see your Rep as a sponsor of this bipartisan bill, ask them to support modernizing Kentucky laws to remove barriers to care. 


House Floor Leader Bam Carney

KANPNM greatly appreciates the leadership and initiative of House Floor Leader John "Bam" Carney for his tireless work during the summer and fall of 2019 on behalf of APRNs and the formation of HB 286. Rep. Carney worked to bring KANPNM's Legislative Team to the table with other groups and stakeholders to inform and outline the initiative to bring about the end of CAPA-CS in Kentucky.  

Thank you, Bam!  



THE LIST OF 45 HB 286 SPONSORS (03-09-2020)

Rep. Webber -- Primary Sponsor

Rep. Branham Clark -- Primary Co-sponsor

Rep. Banta 

Rep. Bentley

Rep. Bojanowski

Rep. Bratcher

Rep. Brenda 

Rep. Dossett

Rep. Goforth

Rep. Graviss

Rep. Hale

Rep. Harris

Rep. Hart 

Rep. Hatton 

Rep. Heath 

Rep. Heavrin 

Rep. Hinkle 

Rep. Howard

Rep. R. Huff

Rep. T. Huff

Rep. Jenkins

Rep. Kulkarni  

Rep. D. Lewis

Rep. S. Lewis

Rep. McCool

Rep. Meyer

Rep. C Miller

Rep. J Miller

Rep. Nemes 

Rep. Palumbo

Rep. Pratt

Rep. Raymond  

Rep. Roberts 

Rep. Rothenberger

Rep. Rudy 

Rep. Schamore

Rep. Sorolis

Rep. Stevenson

Rep. Stewart

Rep. Thomas

Rep. Tipton

Rep. Upchurch

Rep. Wheatley

Rep. White 

Rep. Willner

Thank you to the sponsors of SB 132!


During the 2019 Kentucky General Assembly, the bill to end CAPA-CS requirements was started in the Senate by Primary Sponsor Senator Paul Hornback and Primary Co-Sponsor Julie Raque Adams. 


Once again, the mission to free APRNs to be able to practice to the full extent of their training and expertise had bi-partisan support and strong supporters. Thank you to each legislator who sponsored and championed SB 132! 


Senator Paul Hornback -- Primary Sponsor

Senator Julie Raque Adams -- Primary Co-sponsor

Senator Tom Buford

Senator C.B. Embry

Senator Rick Girdler

Senator Morgan McGarvey

Senator Reginald Thomas

Senator Johnny Ray Turner


APRN Champions in the General Assembly

Video provided courtesy of KET.
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