While we hope everyone who can will try to attend this important meeting -- we know you have patients to care for and may not be able to drop everything and head to Frankfort on short notice.
To make sure you have an opportunity to hear the testimony and action that takes place on this important bill to modernize Kentucky law and improve access to the high quality health care provided by APRNS, see the information below for important links to materials and video feed of the proceedings.
What you need to see is how prepared and proud your Legislative team is to present the many reasons passage of this bill is good for patients and Kentucky. The opposition will be out in full force to misrepresent data, to cloud the issue and protect their own economic and territorial interests. Meanwhile, Kentucky is literally awash in Health Provider Shortage Areas where citizen needs too often go unmet.
The House Licensing and Occupations Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 9th, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 154 of the Capitol Annex. Here is a link to the meeting agenda and streaming video and meeting materials links are shown below.
Meeting materials will be uploaded to the LRC website prior to the meeting. Follow this link to the materials: https://legislature.ky.gov/Committees/Pages/Committee-Details.aspx?CommitteeRSN=345&CommitteeType=House%20Standing%20Committee
All meetings are streamed on the LRC live stream which is available on the following site: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmnoJBrwFmd7JK0HA9KcPaw
Select live coverage of legislative meetings will be on Kentucky Education Television (KET) at https://www.ket.org/legislature